Sunday, 19 January 2014

Thoughts So Far

It has definitely been a turbulent and challenging start. Our initial timetable is no longer feasible because we want to arrange all the enrichment classes on weekdays and leave weekends for outings and family time. And Sophie isn't all too thrilled about doing too much structured work at home since it contradicts her understanding of homeschooling. She wants to have more freedom to decide what she wants to learn. Of course her mum prefers to finish the syllables first. Thus, we are still negotiating for a good balance, which might take a while longer. 

I had wanted to do proper lesson plans (still wish to) and document her learning in a more systematic manner. However, that was very quickly abandoned and replaced by desperate attempts to catch my breath and rest my aching body whenever I could steal some time away from everyone. It doesn't help that Sophie keeps asking me to teach her more things (as long as she doesn't have to write or do anything) and Alfee requires constant attention when he's home. I give it another 2 weeks (hopefully) and perhaps our routine will be more stable and agreeable. Then maybe everyone will cooperate with me.

We started on 6 Jan (instead of 2 Jan) for logistic convenience. Alfee's school staggered the school reopen dates for the children and he started only on Monday (6 Jan). With the two kids together, it is near impossible to teach either anything. Thus, we experienced the first two benefit of homeschooling - flexibility and speed. In school, the children take time to adjust to the new environment, new rules and friends. At home, the switch has minimal effect on her although she still has to establish her learning routine. In relation, she takes less time to start her learning engine. For some children, they also have to switch from one set of rules in school (presumably stricter) to another set at home on school days and yet another set on weekends. For Sophie, there's little difference so her behaviour also becomes more consistent and manageable. In fact, we noticed that she has got better control over her emotions now.

Of course, we also skipped the whole P1 frenzy. We didn't rush to buy ergonomic school bag or other school essentials. We weren't stuck in impossible morning or evening traffic (although Papa still experience it for Alfee in the mornings). We spent most of our funds on real resources and not on frivolous or fashion items. We take time to work on strengthening our relationship instead of making sense of daily happenings in school or doing damage control. I don't know if I'm actually doing a good enough job on her, but Sophie is doing reasonably well so far. Just have to coax her to stay at home when I fetch Alfee.

I still haven't figured out how I can possible blog without sacrificing my rest or preparation time. Perhaps it is a matter of finding the discipline to do it, which I am so lacking at the moment. Right now, the thought of sifting through hundreds of photos for blogging wasn't very appealing at all. I will continue to try!!!!

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