Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Confession Of A Not-Too-Capable Mum

I have not been actively blogging for the past 4 months and for a good reason - Alfee. He is really a bundle of joy and pain, quite literally. The last time we weighed him, about two weeks ago, he was 7.5 kg. My whole body aches from just holding and rocking him. Like Sophie, he loves to be held and rocked... all the time! And of course, he sleeps very often in the day, but for very short span of 15 to 30 minutes usually. Fortunately, he sleeps quite well at night although he wakes up a few times for some milk and suckling. While I find the nights more manageable, the days are quite challenging. Because of his demanding nature and bouts of insane wailing, I am unable to do much of anything with Sophie.

Sophie has not been responding well to such unstructured lifestyle as well. I would be reading to her one minute and pacifying Alfee the next. That drives her crazy. After a while, she just gives up trying to do anything with me! I have to choose really short and easy activities to do with her or pick a golden moment when Alfee is asleep. And I also get my helper to carry him so that I can complete a drawing or read a book to Sophie. It is a hate-hate situation for sure. I hate leaving Alfee to my helper and I hate neglecting Sophie.

I hope when school starts in January, Sophie will be well and happy at school in the morning. That will give me the mornings with Alfee while she is away. After school, I will get my helper to coax him to sleep or entertain him while I do some work with Sophie. We have put aside our original intention of enrichment programmes in her school. She gets really cranky without her nap. Besides, we have I Can Read, Act 3 and Berries in the weekends. And we are still considering Little Notes from Yamaha. The rest will have to wait, I guess. My fingers are crossed that she would cope and learn well.

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