Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Homeschool Application

For the past 2 months, I have been working on the homeschool application. We are required to fill up a couple of forms and submit a proposal on how we intend to teach our child at home, specifically on National Education and the Chinese Language.

I'm trying to include all the subjects although some of them will be quite brief because I haven't bought any materials yet. It's a little like the chicken and egg dilemma, which comes first? The curriculum write up or the course materials? I can only buy the books after the proposal is approved but without them, it's really hard to cough out the content. Either way, my deadline is end of September.

I'm taking this rather seriously because we are actually carrying out the plans. Come next year and Sophie will be homeschooled for real. We are trying this out for a year or two if God permits. To be honest, I'm frightened by thoughts of spending that much time with Sophie. She's definitely not going to make it easy. And I have less than 3 months to shape up and gear up for the challenge.

Yet I must say I'm excited as well. It's my one chance to make amends and reconcile with Sophie. She is special. She has a lot of talent locked up in her little tensed and anxious mind and I hope one day, I can participate in the process of unlocking her potential. Also, I am finally given a chance to give homeschooling a shot. Deep down, I know I am trained and capable of creating fireworks with her. I just need some support and motivation. Now is the right time for our little project of a lifetime. 

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