Saturday, 26 December 2015

Boxing Day

I was very tired today. Apparently I need more than a night's sleep to recuperate from yesterday's celebrations. However, CK was up and about early for his weekly soccer… where did he find the energy to do that? I never know. We decided that we would eat at Jack's Place (Bras Basah) for lunch today. I had to buy Sophie some assessment books for next year.

The kids always crowd and climb over people with electronic devices. Maybe that's because I don't allow them to play any games or watch anything on handphones on their own. Sophie's eyesight has deteriorated over the past 6 months so I guess I ought to be stricter. Or perhaps, nothing much I do matters. 

The funny bit was Sophie got upset with me at Popular because I refused to buy her a few assessment books that she had wanted. I was consciously stopping myself from buying excessively, yet she was upset that she's less work to do? I can never get that little girl.

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