Wednesday, 10 March 2010

"P" Based Activities

We began our day with painting. I admit I was a little lazy this morning and I could not think of anything else easier. However, once we got our engine started, I found myself more motivated to do more challenging activities later on in the day. Sophie was still her usual self though. She just enjoyed the moment and play with her paint.

I have never made any play dough before, but I thought it would be great to make this our first attempt, especially since I bought a nice stainless steel mixing bowl last week just for this purpose. Of course, it really helped that I got the recipe from Through The Eyes Of Children.

This was the first time I let Sophie participate in "cooking" because I am always paranoid that she might hurt herself at the stove. She actually loved it. I guess it felt like something very "adult" to her. We were supposed to wait for the dough to cool before kneading it, but we were too eager to wait that long.

I thought it is worth mentioning that Sophie really hates yucky, sticky and rough textures. When the dough was nice and warm, she liked it because they were more or less stuck together. However, the moment I put in some fingerpaint, the dough became all gooey and difficult to knead. Sophie definitely could not handle that.

In the end, I had to mix all the different coloured dough together so that it would be more manageable for her. Even then, I had to coach her before she could knead the dough and enjoy playing with it.

So what could I possibly do with a huge lump of blue play dough? I shaped it into an oval shape before sending Sophie off for her nap. I guess I needed some time to think. Aha! After her nap, we used the dough to make a porcupine with pipecleaners quills.

As for the remaining pipecleaners, we cut them up and created a graph for counting. We only managed to do 5 colours because Sophie found it quite boring. Frankly, so did I.

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