Tuesday, 2 March 2010

"M" Based Activity - Moon

Yesterday was the 16th day of our first lunar month of the year. It marked the end of our Chinese New Year celebrations. Of course, I forgot all about the big and round full moon on the 15th, not that she would ever get to see the moon since she sleeps by 7pm. Anyway, I read her I Took The Moon For A Walk by Carolyn Curtis and there was a page about the different moon phases. So we tried to make four commonly known ones, “New Moon”, “Crescent Moon”, “Half Moon” and “Full Moon”. I decided to keep it simple for her.

I mixed a batch of shaving cream and white glue to create a puffy effect on her moons. Sophie enjoyed putting it onto the moon surfaces with a brush. She tried to avoid touching the sticky concoction. After that, we left them to dry overnight.

Today, we added black to create the moon phase. It proved to be quite challenging to get Sophie to keep the paint within a certain area. She much preferred to just paint everything in sight.

We hung the moons to dry at the window. I think we might just leave them there for a while...

In order to prevent Sophie from touching the semi-dried moons, I read her I'm A Manatee by John Lithgow and played her the song. It is a little too difficult for her but she liked the pictures of the wrinkly manatees. After Sophie's nap, we watched Papa, Please Get The Moon For Me by Eric Carle in The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Other Stories our Scholastic video library. And ended our Letter M week. Here is our book on the letter "M".

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