Sunday, 20 February 2011


Here's a season to lose sleep... Bad weather and new term, Sophie is down again with fever and cough. Second one since school begins. Somehow her body can't cope with the new routine (half the term gone already), so she just succumbs to bugs... Hopefully Alfee would be spared! He is due for jabs next week and I m still a little traumatized by what happened the last time we did it (fever, UTI, antibiotics, scan and MCU etc). Just had a nightmare and I can shake the image off! Usually I am able to know it's a dream but I was too tired just now to tell apart dreams and reality...Checked on Sophie and found her cold little body curled like a prawn. She kicked off her blanket and her fever broke, so she was shivering. When we co-sleep, she would just hug me for warm (maybe the other way round). But now I have to separate Alfee and her... The bed seems too big now.

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