Saturday, 10 July 2010

School Theme - Sea Creatures 6 (Chinese Names For Sea Creatures)

To think that I used to think it would be impossible for Sophie to learn Chinese, I was so wrong. I probably should have more faith in her. On Friday, she looked at me all serious and intense before uttering 海豚, 海星 and 鲨鱼 (with a slang) in the cab. I was ecstatic even though it took me a while to understand what she said! I had to infer a little because I knew they were doing sea creatures that day. And just before she slept, she said to me (again with an intense look) 小丑鱼"and "魔鬼鱼.She had to say a couple of times because it was hard for me to understand her slang. But once we agreed on what she was trying to say, we were hugging and celebrating like football fans!

That was all the cue I need to quickly reinforce her learning in school. I whipped out our dusty flip chart and picture dictionary and practiced our Chinese this morning. The school has an amazing influence on her learning. Despite her accident and injury, I am glad she likes school so far.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha I like your description - "we were hugging and celebrating like football fans!"
