I took Sophie to Thomson Medical Centre for a follow-up appointment. She is still coughing and her mucus is rather thick although no longer greenish. She still has to be nebulised 3 times daily and take some oral medication from now on for another week or so. Gone were the days I could send her to the TCM for flu, she would need 2 weeks of home rest to recover.
At the pharmacy before we headed for home, I bought her a set of Pororo training chopsticks. I thought it would be good for her to start using chopsticks since she is beginning to be competent in self feeding. I have to admit, they are really cute, too!
Of course I still feed her at home. It is a lot quicker, cleaner and she feels pampered. I chose not to insist on self feeding because she is currently feeling a little insecure over her baby brother. I let her be a baby a little longer. Tis good enough to know she can do it properly at school. And today, I was impressed how quickly she learnt to use the training chopsticks. It made our dinner a little more interesting.
I bought Sophie Disney Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Sticker Book Treasury from Singapore Motherhoold bulk purchases after she has finished her Dora The Explorer Sticker Book. (bought from one of the kiosk at Downtown East). I do not personally like sticker books, but I know Sophie cannot resist them. These sticker books are like activity books except that the stickers provided are the answers.
So, Sophie is very motivated to work on them even when they are about counting.
This was slightly harder because it involved addition and substraction. I helped her with linking cubes. I was amazed how she could grasp the concepts so easily just because she could feel and touch the manipulatives.
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