Sunday, 30 May 2010

@ Upper Pierce Reservoir (Full Gear)

After Sophie (Safety Patrol Wannabe) told us to buy her a helmet, that was exactly what we set out to do this morning. We thought of toy shops, sports shops and bicycle shops but fortunately we listened to Ah Gong and went to NTUC (AMK HUB) instead. We managed to get a functional and affordable helmet. We also bought a set of knee, elbow and hand guards (more for roller blading). We can never be too safe, right?

Before we headed for Upper Pierce Reservoir to try out our new gear and equipment, we did some dry runs at home first.

Sophie was still trying to push herself with one foot while the other stayed on the skate scooter. While she was getting better at that, she needed to steer the skate scooter to go straight. Apparently, it was not too simple.

Time to try out the tricycle. After Papa adjusted the seat, Sophie could put her feet on the pedal quite comfortably. However, pedalling was still an issue. Maybe she needed the open space for motivation.

So, off we went to Upper Pierce Reservoir to try out Sophie's tricycle. We tried the skate scooter but the path was much too rough to ride smoothly and we felt that she might fall more easily on that. So, we ditched the skate scooter for the tricycle. No matter how many times we have gone to Upper Pierce RFeservoir, we still find the scenery lovely.

We took turns to help Sophie learn how to pedal properly. Unfortunately, there was not much progress. And it was tough for me to keep myself bent in that position so soon, we all gave up trying. Maybe next time…

As we still have a bit of time left, we let Sophie run around. She always enjoys a good run around and I would always wonder why.

By now, I was clearly too tired to follow her around. Papa took her further to look at some interesting flora and fauna. She was quite happy to see a bee and a dragonfly in the flowers.

Somehow, Sophie also loves to balance on the roots of trees. She enjoys walking and balancing on them. Maybe she would like gymnastics?

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