Saturday, 29 May 2010

@ Upper Pierce Reservoir (Tricycle And Bubbles)

After seeing the excitement on her face, Papa could not resist taking Sophie to Upper Pierce Reservoir again today. However, we had to do some shopping first. In fact, we went into a shopping frenzy to buy Sophie a skate scooter and a tricycle from Toys R Us. The only reason we did not buy any bubble solution - we already had some from her last birthday party. Okay, let me explain our sudden splurge before anyone begins to gun us down for being overindulgent.

We have always wanted to get her a tricycle but we could never find a safe and appropriate one for Sophie. Although she is tall for her age, she has not got her motor skills to pedal yet. Most of the tricycles in the market are for below 3 years old. So, she would have outgrown the tricycle by the time she could pedal well. The bicycle Ah Gong bought for her is too high and difficult for her to even try pedalling, so again we have to keep that for future use. Now, this particular tricycle is not for children below 3 years old because the distance between the seat and the pedals is quite far. It was perfect for Sophie though. Although she could not pedal, she has time to learn as she grows taller (until 5 years old). So, how could we not buy it? As for the skate scooter, it was purely Sophie's "want" and it was not expensive.

Sophie had to practice at home with her skate scooter. She really wants to be a "Super Sleuth" like Darby so she was working on it quite diligently. It was funny that we did not really consider a helmet for her until she insisted she should wear one. That was why we did not let her bring the skate scooter to Upper Pierce reservoir today. Too dangerous to fall without proper gear.

Instead, we tried out the tricycle. Too our disappointment, the seat was adjusted too high for her. Her feet could not touch the pedals firmly so we had to abandon our practice session and let her play with bubbles. But we were quite determined to adjust the seat and come back tomorrow.

Sophie did not really know how to blow bubbles but it did not take long before she started doing it proficiently. Of course, Papa also tried his best to teach his little girl the proper techniques.

Sophie truly enjoyed herself with her bubbles. She was all focused and her attention span was very long. She also made us very proud when she shared her bubble solutions with the children and adults she met. In fact, she never once held back. I think it is important for her to experience generosity (yesterday's experience) because she learnt how to be generous as well. She interacted with almost everyone she happened to meet and sometimes, I wondered if she was ever lonely at home with only me around.

Tough to be pregant and outdoor in the heat, but I must admit I also enjoyed the outing. I love to see Sophie happy and enjoying herself without running amok or acting crazy.

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