Thursday, 15 November 2012

Friendship Band

Nowadays I try to read Sophie chapter books so that she can be challenged to read more advanced materials. We just finished Lucky Stars 1 : The Best Friend Wish and at the end of the book, there's a page on a story stretcher activity - making a friendship band. Sophie loves the little bracelet and the idea of collecting a charm for every book she has finished. I thought it would be a really a stretch to get her to make a friendship band, but it might be good to introduce her to making one.

I used a sticky tape to hold the threads in place on her toy shopping cart and started it for her. At first, she was very enthusiastic to do it, but she soon found out how tough it is to coordinate her fingers and gave up. So her poor mummy has to finish it for her (as expected)...

It took me 3 days because I couldn't find any moment alone to complete it without someone trying to pull the threads apart (Alfee?). And after it was done, Sophie wore it for a day and lost it. Imagine my disappointment... Oh well...

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