Thursday, 22 November 2012

School Holidays Day 4

The most exciting thing that happened this morning - Baby Bat Rescue. We were heading for the market when I caught sight of an old man in the swimming pool, splashing water at the ground near him. There were a few mynahs around as well and they all looked unnaturally fixated at a spot on the ground. Curious, I stopped the kids and stared hard, then I saw the black shape on the ground. At that moment, I knew it was a creature and it was crawling away from the offenders. At first, I thought it was a frog or a snail but judging from the way it was crawling, I doubted it. That was enough for me to move in for a closer look. To my horror, the mynahs shared my sentiments. They were hoping for a good breakfast, I think. Luckily, they hopped off when they saw us approaching.

It was a baby bat... black, small and defenseless. I really didn't know what to do, but it would die if we didn't do anything. Then a maid and a little girl appeared. They were intrigued by the pathetic creature as well. The maid started snapping pictures of it with her phone. I would have done that if I wasn't preoccupied with what I should do. I searched my bag and found a Yamaha plastic bag (saving it for a vomit day) so I decided to pick up the baby bat and relocate it to safety. BUT how? I wasn't prepared to touch it with my bare hands and where exactly is safe anyway? At that moment, another maid came along with two small dogs. She had her hand in a plastic bag to pick up after the dogs. Seeing my struggle to nudge the baby bat into my plastic bag, she offered to pick it up and put it in for me. Phew! That solved our problem...

But now that it was inside, what could I do with it? Then a security guard appeared... so I gave the baby bat to him and asked him for help to relocate it. I didn't question what he would do because I think my job was done already. Mortality rate for baby bats is high especially since it got separated with its mother before it could fly. She must have dropped it while flying. I just hope for a better chance of survival for it. And fortunate for us, we didn't touch it... there's always a chance that it has rabies or other diseases.

And the kids were so intrigued by the poor baby bat as well. I think they need to see what we (especially parents) can do to help all creatures alike. Thank God I didn't walk away, didn't stand there and snap pictures or let the mynahs have a go with it. They have witnessed a kind deed today and hopefully, they would learn to be compassionate as well. Even though the baby bat might not have survived.

Meanwhile, back at home, we saw some nice birds feasting on my neighbours' plants. They live a floor down and they have this balcony that looks pretty much like a forest. Unfortunately, I think they might be breeding mozzies since they are often out of town. If the mozzies keep coming over for tea, I'll have to make some calls. Anyway, the birds were eating the fruits of their flowering plants so I sat the kids down to watch. 

The kids always end up playing during their seat work. Alfee would usually be the instigator because he basically just wants a company to play with. And Sophie would almost always be distracted into playing.

I must admit, I enjoyed their TV time more than they ever would. I love to see them all engrossed and happy, even though I know the evils of watching too much TV. I bought Sophie the Rainbow Magic DVD because I want her to get her interested in the books. And she is definitely attracted to read them.

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