Tuesday, 15 October 2013

A Walk To The Esplanade

We had lunch at Sakae Sushi because Sophie wanted it badly. Papa said the place meant a lot to her because I took her there last week. I think she was just excited about new places and the dessert. After lunch we took a walk to the Esplanade.

Leica Summilux-M 35mm f-1.4 ASPH.L1029922.jpg

The Esplanade was a vibrant mix of sounds and sights this evening. There were pockets of people running various interest activities and we were just swept up and blown away by the passion for the arts. 

On the way back to the car, we saw this dancing installation on the ceiling. It was first noticed by Sophie and we were looking at it for so long that others started paying more attention to it. By itself, it's just a dancing figure made of colourful mosaic tiles, some transparent and some reflective. But with spotlights, the innocent sculpture becomes a projector. The little reflective dancers hanging on the colourful blades begin to spin in the light and the focus is then shifted to the shadowy image on the ceiling wall. There we can see the shadows of little dancers in an almost surrealistic play of colours.

We were persuaded to dress up and have ourselves taken just as we were leaving the Esplanade. Alfee was very thrilled but after being told repeatedly that the costumes were for girls, he got really angry and refused to be a part of this anymore despite our encouragement.

I felt a little upset myself because I didn't mind at all if he chose to wear a dress. He just wanted to play dress up and he should wear whatever he liked. Finally we manage to get him to pose without a costume.

His mood improved so he picked a 'boy' costume and took a few shots in it. Sophie got inspired as well so she put on another costume and we all took one last shot together.

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