Monday, 7 October 2013

Cherrybrook Founders' Day

The kids stayed home today because it is their school's Founders' Day. They played in the morning and I was really glad they have each other for companionship. Although they squabble and fight, they really love each other. Sometimes they are partners in crime but thats alright.

I don't mind Alfee exploring with things. Sophie put sticker ear studs on for him and he added a ring as well. I thought he was very smart to use a ring that way. He soon removed it because it wasn't too comfortable. And even Sophie, who likes such stuff, doesn't want her ears pierced. I wonder how the instinctive dislike for such bodily mutilation disappears as we grow up.   

I showed Sophie videos of young children and disabled adults playing the piano on YouTube. I told her to think of them when she wants to whine and complain. Perhaps it is working.

While Sophie was practising her piano, I did some Alphabet games with Alfee. I wrote some basic words on the whiteboard and got him to recreate each word with magnetic letters. I hope this would help him recognise the letters and make connections that letters form words.

After the game, I told him to keep the magnetic letters. I seized the moment to test him again if he could recognise the letters quickly. I said the letter and he picked it up to keep it in the container. He was doing not bad, considering he was quite illiterate just a few months back.

Sophie's task after piano was a lot more demanding. I downloaded a spelling dictionary and made it into a notebook for her. It is basically a notebook with commonly used words so that she can use it for writing. It has a list of words arranged alphabetically but she has to add on words on her own. I gave her some self generated word search earlier to complete. After she had found the words, she wrote them in her spelling dictionary. She found it too difficult but I think it's just tedious, not hard at all.

After dinner, I gave the kids some tasty fruit dessert made from the Yonanas machine. I mixed bananas, blueberries and strawberries and it was delicious. However, I realise we can't really eat a lot of this because it's like eating 2 bananas, 3 strawberries and a handful of blueberries each! 

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