Thursday, 3 October 2013

MOE Home Visit Appointment

Answered a call from MOE and fixed an appointment with Ms Lee for a home visit to discuss my homeschool application further. Sophie will be interviewed so she has to be present. Strange enough, CK is not required to be around since I'm the primary educator. I was asked if I wanted the visit to be in the late afternoon. Quite instinctively I said I preferred mornings since Alfee would be in school. I even explained that he would demand for my attention and make it hard for us to talk. In retrospect, I probably shouldn't have open up opportunities for her to question my ability to homeschool when Alfee is home. After all, wouldn't he make it hard for Sophie to concentrate too? Fortunately I do have the answer. I am counting on the kindergarten to keep him away for the mornings so that I could teach Sophie. When he comes back, he would be taking his nap, thus he would only be distracting after 3 pm. And that's ok since Sophie's already doing free learning by then. But how would I juggle two homeschoolers eventually? Well, by then Sophie would be old enough to learn independently and Alfee would be relatively more independent too. Not to worry, I have answer for everything.

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