Wednesday, 2 October 2013


Although nobody really throws violent objections at me for our homeschooling decision, many have attempted to dissuade and caution me about my ambitious plans. I doubt anyone appreciated the intensity of my concern and fear whenever they meant well. I know enough of all the possible advantages and pitfalls of homeschooling, I want to know what works and how to keep the passion flame burning.

It's been almost 3 years since I put Sophie in school. That means I haven't spent 24 hours a day with her since then. I can't imagine how we can co-exist again with some breaks from each other. And nobody can reassure me that everything will work out just fine. In fact, I believe it's a question of 'when' and not 'if' I would go mad trying to teach Sophie. It doesn't help when my health is still in need of my full attention.

As a social introvert, I find it difficult to join interest groups as well. Firstly, most homeschoolers are Christians and I'm not. Secondly, I think many of them still put a lot of emphasis on PSLE. And of course I reject that, in principle. In short. I resist joining groups and I would rather not be in the radar.

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