Thursday, 17 January 2013

Thursday Morning Art & Craft

Alfee was playing with the empty orange carton so I asked him if he would like to make a house. He was excited by the idea so we gathered some painting materials and started working on it. We had to use acrylic paint because the carton is somewhat waterproof. 

Poor Alfee! He has the mental faculty and desire to create but he doesn't have developed fine motor skills to support it. He kept saying what he wanted to paint or draw but he just couldn't and he knew whatever he painted didn't look like what he had wanted. So he pestered me to draw for him.

Well, I tried my best to let him complete this on his own but it took a lot of coaxing and directing. I guess for Alfee, he wasn't as keen in such activities as Sophie was. We have kind of taken for granted that she enjoys creating pictures, stories and things. Alfee is more of a doer and action kind of guy. 

Sophie's drawing

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