Thursday, 9 August 2012

Sophie's Piano Lesson

Sophie has shown a lot of improvement in piano playing lately. Not really the skills or actual playing, but her attitude in learning. She used to whine and pout during lessons, refusing to do anything the teacher asked of her. She would give excuses, get distracted and chit chat just to stall time. Now, she doesn't complain much even though she still tries to chit chat with her teacher. Her improvement was so dramatic that her teacher asked us to go back for extra lessons on National Day!

Here Sophie is beginning to play the same tune with both hands. It's quite challenging even for me since I haven't been trained before so I'm absolutely touched that she is slowly but steadily learning. I guess it doesn't matter if she will take a longer time to master this, so long as she is willing and trying her best. I believe learning the piano is a necessity, not a privilege and playing it well is a talent. Sophie may not be talented but she needs to be trained in playing musical instruments. It helps to develop her brain cognitively.

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We bought the kids Mickey and Minne bolsters at $10 each. I know Alfee loves Mickey. Although Sophie sort of outgrew Minnie, she still loves and sleeps with it. I really love to watch how they play with each other.

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