Friday, 17 August 2012

Precious Then... Rubbish Now

For the past few weeks, Sophie has been given ONE task... ONE responsibility... Just ONE - brush her hair in the morning after she gets up. And every day, she didn't. She would drew pictures or play with her toys, but she just wouldn't brush her hair!

So I told her that she could only keep her hair if she's willing to take care of it. And I cannot be the one who brushes and blow dry her hair forever. I wanted her to be responsible and accountable for her well being... starting with simple tasks like brushing her hair. She has disappointed me. She thought I would never snip off her locks...
Thus, I dragged her to the hairdresser this evening and cut off her hair. The same hair that I diligently wash, blow dry, and brush daily. She has had her hair long for as long as she could remember (since 2-3 years old). Now she's sad. But I think it's necessity to teach her a lesson!

I know she's devastated but if you think I'm heartless or cruel, think again. She has to learn to take care of herself. It's part of growing up and assuming more responsibilities. If I let her off, she will never understand that it's important to take good care of one self. In order for bigger roles and responsibilities, she needs to do little tasks well. I want to educate and raise her to be a responsible and reliable adult. So here is the plan. After this episode, I'm sure she has learnt her lesson. I am going to give her a list of duties or chores and start teaching her to be more responsible.

Learn well, Sophie! Every deed has a consequence and opportunity cost! This is just a small, small price...

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