Sunday, 19 August 2012

Our Sunday

Rose was on leave so we were on our own today. We left early for Bishan Park this morning because Sophie has got a runny nose and couldn't attend swimming class. By right, she ought to be resting but I guess, that was quite impossible for a preschooler. We did, however, plan to make this a short visit until we stopped to watch a group of children on roller blades at the hyperlink. Sophie was all wide eyed and captivated...

Leica 35mm Summilux ASPH FLEPortrait by Summilux 35mm ASPH FLEL1002611Leica 35mm Summilux ASPH FLEL1002621Leica 35mm Summilux ASPH FLE

 I found out that they are from Wizzkids and they accept students as young as 3 yrs old. I know Sophie has always wanted to try roller blading so I asked if she could just try out one session. The director, Clarence, was very nice to stay on another 15 minutes after their usual lesson time to coach her personally. He told us that she was very good for a first timer and she followed instructions well. I was really glad too. 


Poor Alfee could only watch his big sister at the fence! At one point, Clarence picked Sophie up and skated towards Papa with her in his arms. I thought it was so cool! She was literally swept off her feet... so princessy. In any case, we probably would sign her up for 4 sessions at Sengkang Riverside Park. 

L1002663Leica 35mm Summilux ASPH FLELeica 35mm Summilux ASPH FLE

After that, we rushed off to let the kids nap and get some lunch before Sophie's art class at Takashimaya. Alfee slept through the entire lunch and by the time he woke up, Sophie was already in class. I really like the fact that Sophie love art. And her art teachers are so soft spoken and demure. Fingers crossed, their influence would be strong on her.

Leica 35mm Summilux ASPH FLE

Despite that we decided to eat out, we bought food back home to eat. I suppose we were too tired to have public meals. On familiar grounds, the kids were also more manageable and they settled in for the night a lot quicker.

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