Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Flower For You...

Sophie was sitting with her friends at the porch, waiting for me to pick her up from school. When she saw me, she stood and and walked towards the gate and me. Suddenly she paused. I knew what she saw and what she wanted to do. Sophie loves to pick flowers (actually weeds) from her school garden. And there are some lovely yellow ones just by the side of the gate.

Sophie squatted and stretched her arm through the bars of the gate in attempt to reach the pretty yellow flowers. She gave me an awkward smile when she couldn't quite touch it. She stood up again and this time she walked out of the gate.

Sophie : Mummy, can I get the flower for you? (pointing at the biggest one)

I nodded and let her pick it up. Then she placed the tiny flower on my palm and said,"... for you..." before going back to get another smaller one for herself. I held the little flower in my palm, wondering how this tiny flower made my horrible day seem a little more bearable. That's what parenting is all about, isn't it? The kids made it all worthwhile and bearable...

As we walked out of the school, she examined it and asked me about how flowers grow and buds become flowers... Then, she dropped it by accident.

Sophie : Opps... nevermind, I don't really want the flower anyway... (looked longingly at the one still held cautiously in my palm.

Me : There, you can have mine!

Sophie : Oh really? Thank you, Mummy!!! I'll pick another one for you tomorrow!

I was all warm and fuzzy inside. Sophie obviously wanted the flower, but she cared enough not to show her disappointment and she refrained from asking me for mine. She's always picking flowers or making cards and drawings for me. She would ask me what makes me happy and try to do it.

Sophie reminds me of Anne of Green Gables, modern Asian version. She is so loving and innocent. I always think that her greatest challenge is to keep her heart pure. It is hard for her to deal with her emotions and she needs to manage them well. But for the time being, she's allowed to be the child she is. I'm still tough on her but I'm raising an adult, not a child. I see in her a passionate, creative, kind and loving young woman. She may not rise to the top in academic or occupational achievement, but she will live a full and happy life!

Sophie dear, you gave me a little flower... I give my prayers that you will always be blessed with love and bliss.

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